Jasper52: Antique Russian Icons for Sale
Where to find antique Russian icons for sale? You can visit your local galleries, specialized stores, and even flea markets, but the truth is that you can find antique Russian icons for sale even without leaving your home. We live in a world where everything is just a click away, including valuable and unique hand-painted icons created years ago. All you need to know is where to start your search.
If you are looking for antique Russian icons for sale, you should start with online auctions. You have plenty of options to choose from, but in this blog post, we want to draw your attention to Jasper52, a reliable online platform that has long been known for presenting expertly curated auctions held in partnership with reputable auction houses from around the world. Jasper52 specializes in antique and vintage collectible items of any kind, from books and coins to jewelry and religious icon art. For example, on February 13, it will hold a very interesting auction entirely dedicated to antique Greek and Russian icons. We have compiled a short list of the highlights you are sure to love.
Top 5 Russian icons for sale
1. Icon of the Theophany of Christ (c. 1550 – 1600)
Antique icon depicting the famous scene of Jesus Christ’s baptism in the Jordan (see photo above). Tempera on wooden board. Estimated at $3,500 – 4,000.
2. Icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God (19th century)
Beautiful Russian icon depicting the Theotokos upon the funeral bier, with Christ and saints standing behind her. Tempera on wooden board. Estimated at $2,000 – 2,500.
3. Icon of the Extended Deesis (17th century)
Antique Russian icon depicting Jesus Christ enthroned, the Mother of God, and St. John the Baptist with saints and angels. Tempera on wooden board. Estimated at $2,000 – 2,500.
4. Icon of the Resurrection with border scenes (19th century)
Hand-painted icon depicting “The Resurrection – The Harrowing of Hades” scene surrounded by 10 passion scenes and 16 major Church feasts. Tempera/gold on wooden board. Estimated at $2,000 – 2,500.
5. Icon of Our Lady of Kazan (19th century)
Well-preserved antique icon depicting Our Lady of Kazan, one of the most venerated images of the Mother of God in Russia. Tempera on wooden board. Estimated at $1,500 – 2,000.
These were the most valuable Russian icons for sale featured at the upcoming Jasper52 auction. However, there are also many other interesting lots, so take your time to visit this platform and learn more about antique icons offered online!