Famous Russian Orthodox Icons: The Mystery of the Faith
Orthodox Christianity is unthinkable without icons. The house of every believer has at least one icon that gives support and faith. Miraculous images bind people with something unknown and divine; they give the hope for the resolution of problems. It is no wonder that the icons are so important for Orthodox Christian believers. Among the most famous Russian Orthodox icons, there are several that one can find in almost every house and church.
Our Lady of Vladimir
Our Lady of Vladimir is one of the most venerated antique icons. Its history goes back to the 12th century. The image shows Virgin Mary pressing the Baby down to her cheek. This icon is considered to be one of the most powerful, majestic, and miraculous among all Russian religious icons. Believers usually pray with this image when having the complicated life story. They also pray for the safety of the country, protection from cruel enemies, and during disasters. Besides, according to popular belief, Our Lady of Vladimir is one of the most famous Russian Orthodox icons that can heal from diseases.
Where to find: St. Nicholas Church, Moscow
Our Lady of Kazan
Our Lady of Kazan is another great representative of famous Russian Orthodox icons. The image came to a believer in Kazan in the 16th century, and today it is among the most venerated old Russian icons. Our Lady of Kazan is the patron of children. This icon is often put near the cot to look after the child and protect them. Prayers addressed to Our Lady of Kazan save from despair, sadness, and misfortune.
Where to find: The original icon was stolen from a monastery in Kazan in the early 20th century. However, a venerated copy of the icon can be find in the Bogoroditsky Monastery in Kazan.
Christ Pantocrator
One of the oldest and famous Russian Orthodox icons is the Russian icon of Jesus Christ Pantocrator. It is the central image of Christ, introducing Him as a powerful and the only King of Heaven. Jesus can be depicted in the icon in different ways: full-length, half-length, or sitting on a throne. The Gospel is in His left hand, and His right hand blesses the viewer. It is believed that if you want to share your joy with the Lord, then you need to pray with this particular icon.
Where to find: Icon of Christ Pantocrator can be found in every Orthodox Church. It is located in the central dome of the temple.