Relic of Saint Therese

Antique Relic Appraisal: Things You Need to Know

If you own a religious relic and want to get a good deal, you need to learn more about appraisal services. Religious artifacts are incredibly valuable items that should be subject to special methods of determining the fair market price. In this blog post, we explain how an antique relic is appraised and what key factors affect the value of relics.

How and why is antique relic appraised?

Religious relics include antique icons, manuscripts, saint’s attributes, church utensils, and other items related to the past. The evaluation of such objects is essential for every collector and antique owner. If you want to sell or buy a particular artifact, insure it or move it to another city or country, you need to know its exact value.

Antique relic appraisal is a complex process performed by experts in the field. The appraiser considers the object’s features, provenance, and auction prices and relies on their own experience and knowledge. It is best to use the services of a group of specialists so that you can get a more objective and accurate appraisal of your artifact.

What factors affect the religious artifact price?

There are quite a few factors that affect the final cost of your religious artifact. Let’s take a look at the key things to consider during the artifact appraisal.

  • Age of the artifact. Typically, the older the object, the higher its price. However, an icon by Andrei Rublev will cost more than an antique icon by an unknown master.
  • Materials. Sometimes, iconographers decorate the images with precious metals and stones. The value of such relics will be higher than those created using common materials.
  • Historical value.
  • Condition of the relic. Serious damage can significantly reduce the value of the item.
  • Degree of restoration.

If you need an accurate antique relic appraisal, feel free to contact Russian Icon Collection. Our experts offer professional appraisal services and provide individual treatment for each item. You will first need to send a high-quality photograph of your artifact and then ship the item to our New York office. After analyzing the factors mentioned above and the features of the relic, we will provide you with a detailed report regarding the market value of the piece. Besides, we will offer you our price in case you would like to sell the relic. Please contact us today for details!