Russian Icons at the Grabar Art Conservation Center
This year, the Moscow’s Grabar Art Conservation Center opened the Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka, a new exhibition space dedicated to Russian icons and religious icon art on the whole. The center was named after Adolf Ovchinnikov, a reputable Russian artist and antique icon restorer who has spent almost 60 years of his life working with hand-painted icons and frescoes.
The Grabar Art Conservation Center
The Grabar Art Conservation Center is the Russia’s oldest restoration organization, which was founded in 1918 at the initiative of Igor Grabar, a Russian post-impressionist painter, historian of art, restorer, and publisher. On June 10, this prestigious institution celebrated its hundredth anniversary, which was undoubtedly a very important event complemented by the announcement of several significant exhibitions dedicated to various works of art restored by the Center’s specialists. In particular, these include such famous antique Russian icons as “The Holy Trinity” by Andrei Rublev, “Our Lady of Vladimir” painted in the 12th century, and Russian icons from the collections of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.
The Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka
The Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka is a new exhibition space for Russian icons, which was opened by the Grabar Art Conservation Center in the former studio and home of the prominent Soviet sculptor Vera Mukhina. As it has been already said, the Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka was named after Adolf Ovchinnikov who is largely known for his amazing copies of antique icons and professional restoration works. Adolf Ovchinnikov is also a very talented master copier of frescoes, who has made truly fantastic copy-reconstructions of antique frescoes from many ancient churches, including the Achi Monastery of St. George in Georgia, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Ilyina Street in Veliky Novgorod, and the Church of St. George in Staraya Ladoga. It is also worth noting that this gifted person is now 86, and he still practices his craft.
The Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka offers an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with many exceptional Russian icons and their copies, most of which were donated by Adolf Ovchinnikov. Besides, this beautiful exhibition space also houses lectures in art history, master classes on antique icon restoration, and various scientific conferences related to religious icon art and Russian spiritual and cultural heritage on the whole.
The Ovchinnikov Ikonoteka is located at 5A Prechistensky Lane, Moscow. It is open on Tuesday and Thursday every week. However, keep in mind that you need to register your visit in advance.