Xenia of St. Petersburg: Russian Icon of the Eastern Orthodox Saint
On February 6, the Eastern Orthodox Church commemorates the Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, whose real name was Xenia Grigorieva Petrova. Few data remain about her life, including the date of her birth. However, the saint, who was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, is highly revered by believers for her unconditional help to people during her lifetime. An icon of the Eastern Orthodox saint can often be found in churches and monasteries around the world.
Who was Xenia of St. Petersburg?
It is not known when Xenia of St. Petersburg was born. According to some sources, she was born between 1719-1730 in St. Petersburg. When her husband died, she became a Fool-for-Christ at 26 years old. The woman left all her possessions and gave them to the church and the poor. The saint refused even to be called by her name and responded only to her deceased husband’s name, repeating that he was alive and Xenia was dead. Saint Xenia spent all her time at her husband’s grave in the Kazan Cemetery. When they began to build a temple there, the Blessed One secretly participated in the labor, bringing bricks by night. She was also known for predicting the future.
In 1978, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized Xenia of St. Petersburg. Her memory is commemorated on February 6 and June 6.
Russian icon of the Eastern Orthodox Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg
A Russian icon of the Eastern Orthodox saint shows her with a white shawl on her head and shoulders, wearing a red tunic and a green skirt. With her one hand, the Blessed Xenia usually rests on a crutch, while her other hand is blessing the viewer. In the background, one can see the church at Smolensk cemetery.
What does the icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg help with?
In addition to getting rid of ailments and strengthening faith, the Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg can help with the following:
- delivering from family issues;
- solving complex situations and attracting success;
- purification of the soul from sins;
- stable and healthy relationships;
- easy pregnancy, childbirth, and good health of the child.
The Russian icon of the Eastern Orthodox Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg is an important relic for anyone who believes in God and wants to strengthen their faith. You can purchase the icon of the saint in the church or specialized stores.
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons User Иконописная мастерская Елеон / CC BY 2.0