Russian Icon Catalog Goes to the Collection of the Scientific Library of FEFU

Russian Icon Catalog Goes to the Collection of the Scientific Library of FEFU

We are proud to announce that our Russian icon catalog has been added to the collection of the Scientific Library of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU). It is a great honor to collaborate with this major institution to achieve our goal of spreading knowledge about such a valuable part of Russian cultural heritage as far as possible. Russian Icon Collection is always glad to support educational initiatives. Our book has already been added to various libraries across the country. We strongly believe that enlightening and attracting the attention of young people in academia will help preserve the rich history of traditional Russian icon painting.

Russian icon catalog goes to the collection of the Scientific Library of FEFU

FEFU is the biggest higher education institution in the Far East. It was established in 2011 after four other universities had been merged, including the Eastern University, the first university in that part of the country founded in 1899 in Vladivostok. In the same year, the university’s scientific library was formed. Today, it is the only Russian university to have a branch in Japan and to receive official accreditation by the Japanese government.

Another piece of exciting news: Candidate of Historical Sciences and a member of the Independent Research Center of Israeli and Diaspora Studies Dmitriy Sanoyan has published a comprehensive and in-depth review of our Russian Icon Catalog on We appreciate the attention and interest our book has received from such an esteemed scholar.

Our book “Russian Icons from the Mid-17th to the Early 20th Centuries: The Collection of Oleg Kushnirskiy” presents an extensively researched and carefully curated private collection of antique Russian icons. All of the icons featured in the catalog were preserved thanks to the dedication of Oleg Kushnirskiy who rescued many of these antique pieces of religious art from decay.

The catalog includes comprehensive descriptions of the collection and high-quality illustrations. Academic articles by respectable scholars offer the necessary historical and cultural background to the icons. The book has been noted by leading experts in the art industry for containing material that is extremely valuable for the further development of the field.

We are incredibly grateful to FEFU for including our Russian icon catalog in their library collection of scientific literature. It is crucial to make knowledge accessible to as many people as possible. We hope to expand the number of libraries where our book can be found and encompass various regions of Russia.