Religious Icons at Catawiki Online Auction
Most likely, you have heard of Catawiki, a European online auction house founded in 2008, which offers a wide selection of special items for collectors. However, did you know that it also features many religious icons that you can buy online at a reasonable price? While most of the offered items are not museum quality, they still can make an excellent choice for you home iconostasis. Moreover, a variety of religious icons at Catawiki auctions is truly impressive, with very beautiful examples of antique Russian icons, Greek Orthodox icons, Coptic icons, and other pieces of religious icon art. Here are several interesting icons sold at Catawiki online auction today, on March 6.
Religious icons sold at Catawiki
- Russian icon of Our Lady of the Sign (18th century)
This huge Russian icon (see photo above), measuring 80cm x 55cm, depicts one of the most beloved Marian images known as Our Lady of the Sign, surrounded by six other important religious images, including Our Lady of Vladimir. It was sold for $4,700.
- Russian icon of the Resurrection – the Harrowing of Hades (early 19th century)
Depicting “The Resurrection – The Harrowing of Hades” scene, one of the most popular scenes in Russian icon art, surrounded by sixteen Church Feasts and the Four Evangelists, this icon is definitely one of the best offered today at Catawiki. It was sold for $1,360.
- Greek icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria (c. 1700)
While this piece of religious icons, depicting the Mother of God pointing to the Christ Child, comes with certain wear, losses, and damages, it still makes a good addition to any collection of antique icons. It was sold for $970.
- Russian icon of Christ Pantocrator (c. 1790 – 1800)
This antique icon of Christ Pantocrator, depicting Jesus Christ full-length, with an open book in His left hand, is another great example of religious icons available for sale online at Catawiki. This one was sold for $1,240.
- Russian icon of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (c. 1850)
As you might have already guessed, not all religious icons sold at Catawiki come in good condition. For example, this particular icon with the depiction of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael needs restoration works. However, it still can adorn any collection. It was sold for $870.
As you can see, Catawiki does offer an excellent selection of religious icons. So if you are looking for an affordable icon for your home iconostasis, consider this online auction platform when making a choice.