What Orthodox Icons to Use for Prayer? Part III
It’s not a secret that many Christians are given saints’ names at birth or baptism. These saints are called patron saints and considered our intercessors in heaven. However, what if the person wasn’t given the saint’s name? How is a patron saint determined in such a case?
Some people choose their patron saints themselves, depending on their interests and what they want to pray for. We have already written about such icons of saints previously. Nevertheless, there is one more important category of saints who can also be your guardians throughout your entire life. We are talking about your birthday saint.
The following list will help you determine your patron saint by the day of your birth and choose the right icon to pray with:
- August 24 – September 23
Patron saints: St. Paul, St. John, and St. Alexander
Orthodox icons: The Mother of God of the Passion and The Mother of God “The “Unburnt Bush”
- September 24 – October 23
Patron saints: St. Sergius of Radonezh
Orthodox icons: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross and The Mother of God of Pochaev
- October 24 – November 22
Patron saints: St. Paul
Orthodox icons: The Mother of God “Jerusalem” and The Mother of God “Quick to Hear”
- November 23 – December 21
Patron saints: St. Barbara and St. Nicholas
Orthodox icons: Our Lady of the Sign and The Tikhvin Mother of God
- December 22 – January 22
Patron saints: St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Sylvester
Orthodox icons: The Mother of God “The Unexpected Joy”
- January 23 – February 20
Patron saints: St. Cyril and St. Athanasius
Orthodox icons: The Mother of God “The Unburnt Bush” and The Vladimir Mother of God
- February 21 – March 20
Patron saints: St. Meletius of Antioch and St. Alexius
Orthodox icons: The Iver Mother of God
- March 21 – April 20
Patron saints: St. George the Confessor, Sts. Sophronius and Innokenty of Irkutsk
Orthodox icons: Our Lady of Kazan
- April 21 – May 20
Patron saints: Holy Apostle John the Theologian and St. Tamara
Orthodox icons: The Iver Mother of God and The Mother of God “The Surety of Sinners”
- May 21 – June 21
Patron saints: St. Constantine and St. Alexis Metropolitan of Moscow
Orthodox icons: The Vladimir Mother of God and The Mother of God “The Seeker of the Lost”
- June 22 – July 22
Patron saints: St. Cyril
Orthodox icons: Our Lady of Kazan and The Mother of God “The Joy of All Who Sorrow”
- July 23 – August 23
Patron saints: St. Elias the Prophet and St. Nicholas
Orthodox icons: Protection of the Holy Virgin
One more useful tip from Russian Icon: it is always better to have the Iver icon of the Mother of God, no matter your date of birth, as it protects the home from enemies and ill-wishers. Hopefully, this will help!