Michael Mirianashvili Between Portrait and Icon Painting

Michael Mirianashvili: Between Portrait and Icon Painting

Being an iconographer means being a passionate artist who knows not only how to paint a saint or a scene from the Bible but also how to follow icon painting traditions that have been forged for centuries in different parts of the world. In some sense, it is an enormous legacy and the responsibility lying on iconographers’ shoulders. What does it mean to be a contemporary icon painter and try to find the balance between the present and the past? Today, we want to draw your attention to Michael Mirianashvili, a dedicated professional who specializes in portrait and religious iconography that he successfully combines in his art.

Michael Mirianashvili Between Portrait and Icon Painting

Michael Mirianashvili: between portrait and icon painting

Michael is a 36-year-old iconographer and painter who lives and works in Georgia. He started painting at the age of six and entered an art school where he continued to hone his skills in graphic arts for about ten years. Once his education was over, the young and passionate man entered the university to study at the Faculty of Economics. In his third year, Michael went to the church and became a member of the parish. At the time, the temple was being painted, and the student was lucky to meet an artist responsible for frescos. That was the very moment when he started learning the ropes about icon painting.

Michael Mirianashvili Between Portrait and Icon PaintingPortraits have always been Michael’s love. It’s his interest in portrait painting that became the foundation for his enthusiasm for iconography. If you look at antique icons, you will notice that the majority of works consist of faces of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, angels, saints, prophets, and even common people. Of course, there are important differences between the styles and techniques, but it doesn’t make icon painting less portrait-oriented art. The painter needs to be very careful and meticulous when it comes to portraiture. A facial expression, face positioning, and even a skin tone are all characteristics that exist under certain rules and traditions. And it’s a painter’s responsibility to follow them to create an accurate image.

Michael Mirianashvili creates icons and portraits with all his heart. The Georgian artist now aims to find more clients and sell his artworks globally. He likes to make exact copies of famous antique works, so everyone can contact the painter and ask him to recreate any icon. Michael’s skills and experience allow him to work on projects of any complexity and configuration.

You can learn more about Michael Mirianashvili on his official Facebook page.

Photo courtesy of Michael Mirianashvili