Icons of Saints You Might Not Know About, But Should!
We have already written about different icons of saints Christian believers use for prayer in special time of need. However, since the Orthodox world is full of antique and modern religious icons depicting Holy Apostles, martyrs, monastics, prophets, hierarchs, and other saints, it is impossible to write about all of them at once; though we will try to cover the most important topics related to the holy icons of saints in our articles. It is also worth noting that while some saints are more well-known, others are not so, which, however, does not reduce their significance. The following list of Orthodox icons includes saints you might not know about, but definitely should!
- Icon of St. Paraskeva of the Balkans (see photo above) – protects family well-being, brings happiness, helps find true love, and gives healing. Besides, St. Paraskeva of the Balkans is also a patron saint of needlework.
- Icon of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and Queen Elena – brings material and spiritual wealth, heals financial crisis, increases income, and helps attain prosperity through the right means.
- Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow – gives healing to people struggling with physical and mental diseases, helps choose the right way in life, and improves healthy family relationships.
- Icon of St. Luke Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea – helps doctors carry out complex operations and patients recover faster and better. Besides, this example of religious icons of saints protects against various adverse events on the whole.
- Icon of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg – helps get through hard times, brings peace into the home, protects kids, and helps cope with infertility.
- Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria– helps teachers in their daily work and students in their studies.
- Icon of the faithful Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoi – helps strengthen the country’s national security, protects its integrity and unity, multiples the faith and piety of the people, saves from enemies.
- Icon of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow – helps with all kinds of housing problems and protects against various intrigues and conflicts.
- Icon of the Holy Nobleborn Prince Vyacheslav of Czechia – protects those who are involved in armed conflicts and soldiers defending their homeland, its borders and people.
Any of these religious icons of saints can help you find the way to God and protect your loved ones in special time of need. No wonder, all of them are highly venerated and treasured by Orthodox Christian believers all over the world.