What Holy Icons to Pray to be Happy in Love?
The Bible says that “it is not good for the man to be by himself.” Thus, it can be said that love and family are considered the basic Orthodox values. It is not surprising that most young girls dream of a happy family with a good man, and therefore, they pray for love in front of icons.
Holy Icons of the Virgin Mary to Pray for Marriage
First, you may and should to pray for a successful marriage to the Virgin Mary because she is considered the main Intercessor of a man with God in the Orthodox tradition. There are many different icons of Holy Mother, and among them, there are those which can comply with requests of happy love, such as:
- “The Unfading Flower”
“The Unfading Flower” is a patron icon for young, unmarried girls, and beloved Intercessor of Orthodox women. The image of the icon itself is very lyrical and represents innocence and purity of the Virgin Mary depicted on it. It is believed that this icon was created in the 17th century on Mount Athos and helped many women to gain family happiness.
- “Kozelschanskaya”
“Kozelschanskaya” is an icon of the Virgin Mary of Italian origin. This image has a very interesting history. This icon was brought to Russia by the Italian woman, who was maid of honor in the courtyard of Empress Elizabeth I. Then, the icon became famous for its wonderworking of healing countess Maria, the daughter of count Vladimir Kapnist. The good news about the wonderworking image was distributed quickly, and pilgrims came to see it from all over the country. Women had noticed that this image is most willing to execute requests for successful marriage.
Certainly, you may pray for family happiness to other icons of Holy Mother, but these very two icons are considered the best assistants in love affairs.
Other Holy Icons to Pray for Family Happiness
What are other icons of Orthodox saints can be prayed for happiness in family life? In addition to the images of the Virgin Mary, there are other icons to pray for a happy family:
- Blessed Matrona of Moscow
Although Matrona of Moscow was canonized not so long ago, she is one of the most honored saints in Russia. Many people even call her Mother. The miraculous force of Matrona extends to many spheres of life, including family.
- Nicholas the Wonderworker
Nicholas The Wonderworker is one of the most honored saints in Orthodox Christianity. It is said that St. Nicholas protects virtually all classes of our society. As for the questions of happy marriage, you can also pray to St. Nicholas about it, because it is not for nothing to call him the Wonderworker.
- Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg
Xenia of St. Petersburg is an Orthodox fool-for-Christ of noble birth. Perhaps Xenia of St.Petersburg’s icons care about family happiness due to the family life of the saint herself: after becoming a widow at the age of 26, Xenia left all her property to friends, dressed in husband’s garment, and made foolishness for Christ by saying that her husband was alive, and Xenia died.
- Martyr Parasceve Friday
Another saint to pray for happy love is Parasceve Friday, who is called “feminine saint” in Russia. The word “Friday” in her name has two meanings: on the one hand, it is a literal translation of the name Parasceve; on the other hand, Friday is the name of Old Russian goddess who patronised women, especially in the fields of family and marriage. Even nowadays Orthodox women pray for happy marriage in front of this icon.
These miraculous Orthodox icons can help you to have family happiness and love.